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LMPC (Legal Metrology Packaged Commodity) Certificate

The consumption of packaged commodities is increasing and so are the sellers and manufacturers of the same. Rule 27 of the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rules, 2011 mandates the LMPC registration. As per this rule, the importer, producer and packager of the pre-packaged commodities are required to obtain LMPC Certificate. In case the packaged commodity is sold in more than one state, then the LMPC registration shall be obtained from the Central Government. Whereas, if the packaged commodity is sold in one state, then the registration application shall be made only to the state government. 

Eligibility for LMPC Registration

The legal metrology packaged commodities registration apply on importers, producers and packers. The packers shall apply for the LMPC registration regardless of whether the packing material is a wrapper, bottle, tin or any other material. As per the legal metrology packaged commodities registration criteria, all the premises utilised for pre-packaged commodities should be declared in the application for LMPC registration. Further, all the packaged commodities should be declared in the registration application. 

Why Packaged Commodity Registration is Needed?

One of the primary reasons behind the LMPC Registration is to bring uniformity and standardisation across different products in the market and makes comparison simple. Further, it protects consumer interest as the registration ensures that the producers, importers or packers comply with the standard measures, weights and labelling requirements. Further, it also filters counterfeit products and ensures that only genuine products reach the customers. For businesses, obtaining LMPC Certificate helps in winning customer confidence as customers will be assured of the quality and weight of the commodity. 

Compliances for Packaged Commodity Registration & LMPC certificate

LMPC registration is mandatory for importers, manufacturers and packers. The act also allows the applicants to alter their details after obtaining the registration by filing an application and paying the requisite fees. Further, the applicants shall furnish all the necessary declarations and also adhere to the labelling requirements. The labels should include all the necessary information like name and address of the manufacturer, importer etc.; date of manufacture; expiry or best use date, month and year etc.’ contact details etc.

How ASC Group Can Help? 

ASC Group is a professional and consultancy firm having experts from different domains including CAs, CSs, advocates etc. to provide expert financial and legal services. If you are an importer, manufacturer or packer, then we can help you with the following:

  • Obtain the legal metrology packaged commodity (LMPC registration) in India
  • Liaison with the department and authorised personnel in case of any notices or queries
  • Ensure timely adherence to the necessary compliances
  • Carry out any amendment or change in the registration particulars
  • Assistance in relation to labelling compliances to avoid any penal consequences

Reach out to ASC Group for more information.

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